facebookNickolai Damgaard & Jeanette Oxlund | Youandx

Nickolai Damgaard & Jeanette Oxlund

Biohacker, High Performance Coach & popular speaker

Om Nickolai Damgaard & Jeanette Oxlund

Jeanette Oxlund & Nickolai Damgaard are a strong team who, over the past 10 years, have helped the top of Danish business, the sports elite and other top performers to perform better (and healthier) via individual data and a focus on the connection between the mental and the physical . Their tireless focus is to help their customers create a life where there is energy and capacity to do the things you want and dream about, without a bad conscience and fanaticism. Jeanette and Nickolai work in parallel with both physical and mental health - regardless of whether we are talking about sleep optimization, movement, stress management, healthy recovery or performance. They are insanely sharp at identifying the individual 20% needed to change 80% with effective methods, so that everyone can fit the new habits into a busy everyday life.


  • Motivation
  • Job satisfaction
  • Winning mentality
  • Health
  • Balance
  • Lifestyle
  • Stress
  • Personal development
  • Performance
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Mental training
  • Meditation
  • Management
  • Master management
  • Personal management
  • Self-management


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