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Luc Julia

From smart fridges to AI labs, Luc Julia shakes up conventional thinking about AI and demystifies the concept of augmented intelligence instead of replacing human intelligence and creativity.

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Om Luc Julia

Human-machine interaction specialist, Luc Julia, was director of Siri at Apple, was chief technologist at HP and co-founded a number of start-ups in Silicon Valley. As CTO and VP Innovation for Samsung from 2012 to 2017, Dr. Luc Julia the company's vision and strategy for the Internet of Things. Now he is technical director and SVP and, in addition to his team in Silicon Valley, works to develop Samsung's new Artificial Intelligence Lab in Paris (SAIL), where he focuses on making everyday products smarter for everyone by defining a new generation of objects. He is the author of the bestseller "Artificial intelligence does not exist", holds dozens of patents and is recognized as one of the 100 most influential French developers in the digital world. As a French inventor since his early childhood, Dr. Luc Julia a robot to make his bed when he was nine years old. He graduated from Pierre et Marie Curie University (Paris) in mathematics and computer science and has a Ph.D. in computer science from the École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (Paris). After graduation, he moved to Silicon Valley to start his career at SRI International to set up the "Computer Human Interaction Center" (CHIC). Together with his team, he developed the first smart refrigerators and intelligent vehicles. Dr. Luc Julia also participated in the launch of Nuance Communications in 1994, the world leader in speech recognition. Nuance develops solutions for a range of sectors such as healthcare and automotive, financial services and public administration. After ten years of research, he spent the following ten years building several start-ups in Silicon Valley. For the past ten years, he has worked for large companies such as HP, Apple and Samsung to lead development teams. He is the author of "Artificial intelligence does not exist", published by First editions (2019), to demystify the term AI and replace it with "augmented intelligence". Through the pages of his book, Luc Julia shakes up conventional thinking shared by the mass media and Hollywood about AI purposes and the potential future threat it poses to humans. Luc Julia insists that he is not "clairvoyant" because he does not claim to be able to predict the future. But he dedicates himself to breaking up the common idea of AI, because according to Luc Julia, it is only based on data provided by humans and cannot replace his intelligence or ability to create and innovate.


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