It's hard to explain, but pretty easy to understand when you SEE it.
Louise Lind - Fremtidsdesigner tager kun imod direkte forespørgsler.
If you want to be ahead of the game of the future, you must be able to think visionarily and know which trends will be relevant for you in the future labor market. Louise has a handle on future trends and shows how they will affect your particular industry, so you can make decisions with the future in mind. With simple methods and concrete templates, you will be able to see the big picture and create a future narrative that most people understand. Louise Lind calls herself a Visual Thinking Futurist and her mission is to help leaders spot the future and become able to communicate the future narrative that is needed - It simply has to be easier to SEE, FEEL and BELIEVE in order for it to happen a change. Louise has over 15 years of experience from the pharmaceutical industry with project management, LEAN and leadership coaching and most recently as a futurist at Universal Futurist. She facilitates her message about future trends in an authentic, entertaining and simple way, showing you how to navigate an unknown future with simple tools. Louise also acts as an inspirer and workshop facilitator.
Tilbyder fysiske ydelser
Baseret på 2 anmeldelser
Louise holdte et spændene oplæg til vores nytårskur, og formidlede underholdende og kreativt.
Lektor, Zealand - Sjællands Erhvervsakademi
Anmeldelse handler om: Foredrag
Louise leverede et godt, levende og gennemarbejdet oplæg, der var i øjenhøjde med målgruppen og gav værdifuld indsigt i fremtidens jobmarked!
Louise Lind - Fremtidsdesigner har ingen videoer i galleriet.
Louise Lind - Fremtidsdesigner har ingen eksterne links.