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Lars Strandridder



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Om Lars Strandridder

Lars Strandridder is a former elite freediver with a permanent place on the Danish national team. Lars has for many years been among the world's best freedivers, and participated in a total of 4 world championships. Through his training, he has learned in detail what happens in the body - not just when we hold our breath, but also when we learn to breathe correctly. With his own achievement of holding his breath for 7 minutes underwater, Lars has practiced and learned to be in full control of both his physical and mental state. Freediving is about being able to de-stress the body before a dive, and maintaining mental control throughout the dive. You can't just give up when you're down at a depth of 55 metres. Lars has helped e.g. Jysk Rejsebureau by introducing small breaks with a focus on breathing exercises, which de-stress the body and brain, clean the body and oxygenate the brain, which gives more energy. This, in collaboration with Lars introducing a completely new workflow in the company, has meant that travel consultants have personally thanked Lars for saving their careers as travel consultants, in this very busy industry. He also teaches private individuals how to achieve balance in their body, with help for optimal breathing and a focus on the acid/base balance, and thus has been able to get rid of chronic ailments that the doctors had otherwise given up on! Lars has taught others to create profits in everyday life, which helps them to be able to create great achievements, all in physical and mental balance. Furthermore, it gives people a healthier body, with fewer sick days, less chronic ailments and with a completely different energy level than before.  


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Anmeldelser af Lars Strandridder



Baseret på 1 anmeldelse


Jette Stefansen

Thursday, 17. August, 2023

administrationschef, Uddannelsescenter Holstebro


Det var et rigtigt godt og meget informativt foredrag, hvor man fik gode begrundelser for og forklaringer på hvorfor det er så vigtigt at øve sig i at trække vejret rigtigt. Krydret med humoristiske kommentarer, så alt det faktuelle ikke blev for tørt. Uden tvivl en foredragsholder som ved utrolig meget om emnet og selv har stor erfaring som han brænder for at formidle.

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Lars Strandridder | YOUANDX