Why should your company be aware of future megatrends and security policy?
Lars Bangert Struwe tager kun imod direkte forespørgsler.
As an expert in foreign and security policy and strategy, Lars Bangert Struwe has extensive experience in advising e.g. ministries, politicians, business and organisations. Here he combines his knowledge of foreign and security policy with analysis and strategy development. As a lecturer, he can, among other things, offer a great understanding of the technological development and megatrends as an analysis tool for 10 years. Lars is used to working in international environments and has, among other things, appointments in the back from the Ministry of Defence, the National Archives, the University of Copenhagen and the Defense Command. As a speaker, he can help create clarity about: - Security policy - Strategy - Business policy has become security policy - Megatrends and future studies In relation to his areas of expertise, for the past 20 years he has held lectures for everything from business leaders and ministers to pensioners and secondary schools.
Tilbyder fysiske ydelser
Baseret på 22 anmeldelser
Lektor, FHH
Fedt, fedt, fedt
Lektor og formand , FHH
Glimrende oplæg præget af stor viden og væsentlige perspektiver.
Underviser, Tønder handelsskole
Rigtig god indføring og opdatering af nutidens sikkerhedspolitiske kompleksitet kryderet med historisk perspektiv.
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