A completely new approach to shaking things up, building team spirit and humor in the workplace.
UnderCover tager kun imod direkte forespørgsler.
For 25 years, UnderCover and FC Consult have dealt with Strategic Entertainment as a means of action. UnderCover and FC Consult provide a fun shot of energy and shared laughter for all kinds of employee events, conferences, strategy days, kickoffs, themed days, customer events, team building, company parties, etc. Strategic Entertainment is entertainment with a purpose. And the purpose is rarely only to entertain... We are often used to start an event with good fun and unifying energy, or as meeting breakers during a long professional day. With the overall aim of ensuring committed participants who are simultaneously treated to a surprisingly common, wild and fun experience. Whether the reason you meet is a strategy day, organizational development, strengthening your company culture, communication or something else entirely, FC Consult always has a very alternative approach to the subject. You are guaranteed explosions of far-fetched thoughts and that you end up laughing together. Good ingredients when you need to build team spirit and create humor in the workplace. Strategic Entertainment uses humor as a lever for learning and insight and gives the participants a shocking and inspiring shared experience based on the agenda of the day. The participants quickly become involved in the lecture or workshop and advance in the chair seats via comical challenges of the comfort zone. Our strength is that we think creatively, humorously, visually and always on the customer's terms, as each job is tailored in collaboration with the customer himself.
Tilbyder fysiske ydelser
Baseret på 17 anmeldelser
Direktør, Vestegnen HF & VUC
Anmeldelse handler om: Foredrag
Hej Finn Selv tak for sidst. Folk griner stadig og til aftenens middag lavede bordene klap på lommer osv. 😁
Head of Agency / Literary Agent, Gyldendal Group Agency
Anmeldelse handler om: Foredrag
Vi har haft den store fornøjelsen at have besøg af Undercover i forbindelse med et personalearrangement i husets salg, presse- og marketingafdeling. Det var med stor nervøsitet, at vi inviterede Finn som konsulent til et oplæg, der havde til formål at "optimere på videndeling, samarbejde og kommunikation de tre afdelinger imellem" - en nervøsitet der imidlertid straks blev gjort til skamme. Oplægget var yderst underholdende, skævt og tankevækkende, hvor Finn formåede hele seancen igennem at bala...
Forretningscontroller, Aarhus Universitet
Anmeldelse handler om: Workshop
Hej Finn, Endnu engang tusind tak for et fantastisk arrangement. Snakken går i dag på kontoret hvor genialt og gennemført det var lavet. Alt muligt ros herfra J Jeg laver en god anmeldelse på Trustpilot. Med venlig hilsen Betina Gade
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