How will the sharing economy and automation change the future?
Claus Skytte tager kun imod direkte forespørgsler.
Claus Skytte is a lecturer and author of four books about the rise of the Internet and the 4th industrial revolution. Claus Skytte put the sharing economy on the agenda in Denmark with the country's first book on the subject. With 24 years of experience from the advertising industry, he sees the world through the eyes of consumers and how they choose technology that makes life easier, cheaper and better for them, while they, as citizens, get their security boosted and voluntarily allow themselves to become part of a complete surveillance society. Claus has written Denmark's first book on purpose communication "Medbruger", Denmark's first book on the sharing economy "Shall we share?" as well as the book "The New Cooperative Movement" about how Denmark can use its 150 years of experience with the cooperative movement to take new ownership of the 4th industrial revolution. Last but not least, Claus has written the book "Artificial Colleagues", which is about how we have begun to share our work with robots and artificial intelligence.
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Marketing Manager, Viggo
Claus var en fantastisk moderator som fik inddraget publikum på en engagerende og positiv måde, der løftede vores event op på det helt rigtige niveau. Vi kommer helt sikkert til at bruge Claus igen!
Vurderingen er foretaget på baggrund af udtalelser jeg har opsnuset efterfølgende – meget positive. Jeg overværede desværre ikke selv foredraget, da jeg havde andre opgaver, der skulle løses. Men mange var meget positive – selvfølgelig er der nogen der synes det er mindre godt, men overvejende super positivt og godt leveret. Personligt var jeg meget glad for den dialog jeg havde med Claus forud for vores arrangement.
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