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Brian Nielsson

Learn to use meditation to increase performance and enjoyment of life




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Om Brian Nielsson

Brian is an entrepreneur and has founded several successful companies. The first company saw the light of day in 1988, when Brian Nielsson established the advertising and marketing agency O'BRIAN Marketing, which grew into a medium-sized international company with branches in both Denmark and South Africa. In 1999, Brian established HandStep. HandStep became one of the most experienced providers of mobile consulting, application development and device management in Europe for both the public sector and private companies. HandStep was a 'Gazelle' company for the 4th year in a row. Brian's drive and ambition were also evident in his youth; From 1985 to 1990 he was on the Danish national kayak team, and he represented Denmark at the world championships in Canada, Germany and Bulgaria. Brian Nielsson has helped several companies with the following areas; business development, sales and marketing strategy and building strong corporate cultures. Today, Brian trains people to become 100% present and mentally sharp. He does this by teaching them tools to implement new habits. Tools for switching between the high and low gears. Teaching is both through lectures, workshops and individual coaching.


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Anmeldelser af Brian Nielsson



Baseret på 5 anmeldelser


Jesper Lund Wimmer

Tuesday, 10. October, 2023

Områdedirektør , Sydbank


Meget rolig fremlæggelse Meget anvendelig Klare budskaber - ikke for mange. Kan huskes

Kim Lei Brabrand

Friday, 2. June, 2023

Digital Learning Designer & Partner, Grape AS

Anmeldelse handler om: Coaching


Fri for bekymringer og stress Jeg har haft brug for at få ro på bekymringer og stress, og her har Brians coaching hjulpet mig meget. Samtidigt har han lært mig, hvordan jeg kan bruge meditation til at få indre ro og mental styrke. Ved at have fuld fokus på åndedrættet og nuet, kan jeg få tanker, bekymringer og sind helt i ro. <br><br>Samtidig bruger jeg ”My Daily Tune” hver morgen, hvor jeg mediterer online og live med Brian Nielsson i hans meditationsunivers. Her guider han mig gennem meditati...


Friday, 2. June, 2023

Markedschef, HedeDanmark

Anmeldelse handler om: Coaching


Jeg mistede min livsglæde I Foråret 2022 mærkede jeg en drejning i mit liv jeg ikke var glad for. Jeg var trist og ikke den glade Mikkel jeg plejede at være, jeg var træt, blev hurtig rastløs, havde kort lunte og kunne ikke overskue sociale arrangementer. Jeg kunne ikke acceptere at fortsætte på den måde og var lidt inspireret af Brian Nielsson som havde lavet en video med De 5 Tibetanere som jeg havde set på YouTube. Han virkede som om han havde en energi jeg godt kunne tænke mig, jeg kigged...

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Hvordan bliver man 100% nærværende og mentalt skarp? v/ Brian Nielsson

Arne & Brian Nielsson - Bliv Langtidsholdbar

Hvordan holder man balance i en stresset hverdag?

Hvad sker der når man mediterer?

Hvordan arbejder Brian ?