"Take your digital future into your own hands with Ben Hammersley's inspiring take on a proactive approach"
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Ben Hammersley is a thoughtful futurist who has lectured to audiences around the world for over 15 years. He takes a hands-on, proactive approach to the digital era and inspires his audience to be present now and be prepared for the future. As an international journalist, author and adventurer, Hammersley explores the effects of the internet and digital networking on the world's business, political and social atmospheres. His latest book, 64 Things You Need to Know Now For Then, which has been published internationally, gives us the essential guide to what we need to know to live in the 21st century. Ben Hammersley is the author and host of the Netflix and BBC TV series Cybercrimes with Ben Hammersley, which was filmed in over six countries around the world. As the first special correspondent on the Internet for The Times [of London] and The Guardian, he coined the popular term "podcast". In his current position as Editor-at-Large at the UK's WIRED magazine, Ben Hammersley has been called upon to advise three governments and countless organizations in the technology and media fields, including a seat on the European Union's High Level Group on Media Freedom.
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