Foto: Ashley Brereton
Nudging expert Ashley. - How to make difficult changes - easy. Behavior design and Nudging: + 500 lectures
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Nudging expert Ashley Brereton brings over 25 years of experience and expertise in behavior design and nudging to her talks. Here's what you and your team can expect to get out of a talk with Ashley: ✅. Inspiring and Informative experiences - about people Aha experiences: The lectures are designed to be eye-opening and thought-provoking, so you get new perspectives on behavioral design. Practical Examples: Ashley uses real-life cases and examples to illustrate the theories, making them easier to understand and relate to. Concrete Tools: You get tools and strategies that you can implement immediately to create lasting behavioral changes. ✅. Target group The lectures attract a wide range of organisations, including: Private and public companies: Danske Bank, Hofor, Coloplast, Ballerup Municipality, Sorø Municipality, Lolland Municipality. NGOs and associations: DGI, COOP, Simplification Agency. ✅. Understanding human behavior and change - the positive changes: Improved work satisfaction and environment: Learn how nudging can create a better work environment and increase work satisfaction. Work Behavior Insights: Gain insight into the latest science of work behavior and learn how to implement it in your organization. Better health, well-being and happiness: Gain knowledge about how behavioral design can improve the health, well-being and happiness of people. ✅. Inspirational Case Studies - from Ashley's work Design of civic centers: Hear about projects where civic centers have become more inviting. Initiatives in elementary schools: Learn about projects that have motivated thousands of students to clean up. Attractive roof terraces: See how large crowds have been attracted by innovative solutions. Efficient dining: Hear about how large amounts of employees are efficiently fed in a short time. Waste management: Understand the challenges of sustainable waste management and learn about effective solutions. ✅. Practical Information Booking: Contact Ashley to book a talk and see how behavior design can transform your organization in a positive way. Contact: Telephone: 60862011 Email: Websites: and ✅. Feedback and Satisfaction See feedback from past clients here to get a feel for how Ashley has helped other organizations achieve their goals through behavior design and nudging. Are you ready to move people in your direction? Book a lecture with Ashley Brereton today! 😃
Tilbyder fysiske ydelser
Baseret på 18 anmeldelser
Head of Commercial Communications, Danske Bank
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Vi fik en heldagsworkshop fuldpakket af relevant teori og praksis som fik selv de mest rutinerede og senior kommunikationskollegaer til at reflektere kritisk over udbyttet og effekten af vores kommunikationsindsatser. Allerede dagen efter vores workshop tog vi modeller og metoder i brug og refererer fortsat tilbage til dagen. Ashley skal have ekstra stor ros for sine grundige forberedelser og sin store dedikation til at oversætte indholdet til vores hverdag og funktion
Miljøtekniker, Hofor
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Nudging og adfærdsdesign sætter gang i en masse tanker og ideer og giver et nyt perspektiv på, hvad der er vigtigt at fokusere på, når man skal forsøge (kærligt) at præge/skubbe mennesker i en positiv retning – især det faktum, at det er stort set umuligt, hvis de ikke ønsker det. Det har styrket mig i, at jeg i min tilgang, langt hen af vejen, er på rette spor, men at jeg helt sikkert skal passe på, at jeg ikke bliver trukket over i at ”nu forventer jeg at alle følger den instruktion jeg har ...
Konsulent og politiker, Erhvervskonsulent Faxe
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Efter mine første foredrag i nudging og forbrugeradfærd har resulteret i et langvarigt samarbejde. Politisk kommunikation og valgkampe er som regel præget af traditioner og vanetænkning. Partierne holder sig gerne til dét, der har fungeret godt tidligere. Jeg har gennem flere år trukket på Brave, når der skulle tænkes nyt og ud af boksen. Jeg har sat stor pris på Braves nytænkning og altid kvalificerede bud i forhold til de opgaver i Venstre, som jeg har haft ansvar for. Brave har været en...
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