World-class futurist who teaches you to look into the future - and get others involved
Anne Skare Nielsen tager kun imod direkte forespørgsler.
Anne Skare Nielsen is one of the world's leading futurists. Her broad knowledge and interest in change and how we transform thought patterns make her a sought-after speaker around the world. However, her passion lies primarily with those who "can and will": those who dare to work hard and those who are passionate about what they do. Anne has a goal that involves winning the Nobel Peace Prize, by teaching people to look into the future so that they never have to fear it again. In addition, Anne is frequently used in the media and has participated in DR's radio program "The philosopher, the author and the future woman" and hosted "NewScience" on TV2 News. In addition to her work as a lecturer, she runs Universal Futurist together with Henrik Good Hovgaard, which aims to make a difference in future development with the motto "Smart has plans, stupid has stories". She is co-founder and former partner of Future Navigator and started her career at the Institute for Future Research. Anne is a trained biologist and candidate in political science, co-author of several books and has been a member of the Ethics Council. It is crucial for Anne that her organization is people-friendly, and she is in favor of individual originality and creativity being prioritized at the same level as the committed community. Anne's new book was published in May 2020, and you can order it here:
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Kommunikationsdirektør, Topdanmark
Fantastisk underholdende og indsigtsfuldt!
Konsulent , Lemvig Kommune
Super godt foredrag - Anne var spot on, energisk og humoristisk - publikum var med hele vejen igennem. Derudover var hun velforberedt og fleksibel i planlægningen af foredraget.
Marketing Director, Basico p/S
Anne er utroligt nærværende, engagerende, underholdende og giver stof til eftertanke. Hun forstår at møde publikum ud fra deres præmisser og var involverende. Kæmpe anbefaling herfra.
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