Foto: Maria og Midjourney i en blended udgave
Enthusiastic IT expert. Present and authentic conveys online as well as physically.
Maria Benedikte Skjærven tager kun imod direkte forespørgsler.
Maria Skjærven has worked in the IT industry for more than 20 years, where she has been employed in large and small companies. She has worked with everything from programming to Scrum Master and has since been development manager for a large online department in a large Danish company. For the past 7 years, Maria has been an IT manager in a medium-sized Danish company. Maria has recently started her own company FutureScouts, which is, among other things, a community of tech enthusiasts who experiment and get to know the new Generative AI tools together. FutureScouts is also a consulting company that helps companies become more efficient by using, among other things, the text generation program ChatGPT and the image generation program Midjourney. Maria is a member of the Universal Futurist network led by Anne Skare and Henrik Hougaard and can now also write futurist on her CV. Maria is concerned that there must be balance when we use technology. We must not become so blinded that we forget where we get our creativity and how we connect to nature, ourselves and other people. Maria has worked with a concept she calls the 10th intelligence, which is precisely about the skills that it is so important that we build up in these years. Many people talk about us having to learn Prompting - but it's mostly about how we ask the right questions to an AI. The 10th intelligence is about many more things, such as ethical and legal issues and the whole critical thinking we must also have in play.
Tilbyder fysiske ydelser
Baseret på 5 anmeldelser
Anmeldelse handler om: Workshop
Virkelig fin workshop om Midjourney med Maria. Fik rigtig meget med hjem, som kan bruges i hverdagen. Kan kun anbefale en workshop med Maria!
Ejer, Det visuelle rum
Anmeldelse handler om: Foredrag
Med Marias viden og etiske tilgang til AI og ny teknologi, behøver ingen være bekymrede længere! Hun ved, hvad hun taler om. Maria leverede et objektivt, oplysende og humoristisk oplæg om brugen af AI, så vi alle kunne sænke skuldrene og bare forholde os nysgerrige. Det er da en total lettelse og jeg føler mig endnu mere på forkant, helt konkret - med viden, jeg kan bruge i min hverdag og dele videre ud af. Tak, Maria!
Universal Futurist ApS
Anmeldelse handler om: Foredrag
Maria er total rising star på AI og dens anvendelighed. Folk går derfra og er helt opløftede over, hvor meget bedre deres liv og arbejde tager sig ud, når Maria har tændt fremtidslyset!
Maria Benedikte Skjærven har ingen eksterne links.