facebookThe Enneagram - How do I motivate myself and others? af Anne Ravn Grønholt | Youandx

talk med Anne Ravn Grønholt

The Enneagram - How do I motivate myself and others?

Communication, Management, Marketing and Sales, Motivation og Personal development




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Use the development tool the enneagram to understand that people are different and motivated differently

A lecture that makes you wise to understand our differences as people and see which buttons we can press to play ourselves and each other well in everyday life.

Foredragsholder: Anne Ravn Grønholt

Varighed: 180 - 300 minutter

Emner: Behaviour, Board work, Branding, Business development, Business philosophy, Challenges, Change management, Coaching, Communication, Company culture, Conflict management, Cooperation, Couple relationship, Crisis management, Customer experience, Distance management, E-commerce, Female leadership, Focus, Goals, Growth, HR, Identity, Inclusion, Influencers, Job satisfaction, Leadership groups, LinkedIn, Management, Management processor, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Master management, Meditation, Meeting culture, Mental training, Motivation, Network, PR, Performance, Personal challenges, Personal development, Personal effectiveness, Personal management, Personality test, Psychology, Sales, Sales tools, Self-management, Service, Social Media, Social Selling, Talent development, Trend, Willpower, Winning mentality og Work environment

Sprog: Dansk


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