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Signe Jungersted



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Om Signe Jungersted

Signe Jungersted is a sought-after strategic resource within international tourism. She is currently CEO and partner in the innovation and strategy agency Group NAO, which works with partners and customers in large parts of the world regarding the transformation and reconstruction of the experience economy. Signe is the former development director at Wonderful Copenhagen, where she was responsible for the organization's 2020 strategy, which declared "The End of Tourism" and welcomed a new era of localhood. Signe has been at the forefront of opening Denmark's and the capital's tourism to new forward-looking agendas and players outside the core tourism industry. Signe Jungersted started as an expert in China's travel market and has been a council member of the organization World Tourism Cities Federation in Beijing from 2016 – 2018. As a manager and advisor, Signe has great expertise in both setting and moving teams in a digital agenda with tools from leading educational institutions such as MIT Boston and Hyper Island. Signe sits on the board of Odense City Museums and the Advisory Board of Destination Funen's China Alliance. She was previously named among Denmark's Top 100 business talents by Berlingske in 2017.


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Anmeldelser af Signe Jungersted



Baseret på 3 anmeldelser


Heidi svane

Thursday, 18. June, 2020

Head of Digital, Lifestyle & Design Cluster


Nærværende og fængende! Signe er levende og en dygtig formidler hvilket skaber en energi i publikum som gør at det er langt nemmere for dem at tage de guldkorn Signe kommer med ind og omsætte til egen hverdag!

Cecilie Lykkegaard Nielsen

Thursday, 28. May, 2020

Turismekoordinator, Business Esbjerg


Der er hos Business Esbjerg stor enighed om, at foredraget forløb rigtigt godt! Signe er super professionel, og hun er en naturlig og dygtig oplægsholder. Emnerne hun berørte var væsentlige og interessante i forhold til vores målgruppe, og tilbagemeldingerne har været positive. Hendes slideshow var også rigtigt godt – både informativt, humoristisk og kreativt. Alt i alt er vi fuldt ud tilfredse, og jeg håber at kunne opleve Signe igen en anden gang.

Tanja Marek

Monday, 11. May, 2020

Erhvervskoordinator, Business Kolding


Super godt oplæg om turismetrends post Corona. Relevant indhold i disse Corona-tider. Signe har en meget smittende udstråling, så man bliver helt sikkert fanget af hendes ord. Og ingen tvivl om, at der ligger både hjerte og hjerne bag oplægget i form af passion og en kæmpe stor viden. Og så var oplægget krydret med mange gode eksempler og cases.

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SHOTGUN LIVE: Signe Jungersted highlight

SHOTGUN LIVE_ Fremtidens turisme