Expert in collaboration, author and engaging communicator both online and physically
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Merethe Klint is business understanding, organizational development, creative thinking and holistic focus on people and organizations in one and the same person. She has worked as an organizational consultant, lecturer and teacher in management and project management since 2011, she is the author of 2 books (see below), just as she has worked for almost 5 years under the light blue star in A. P. Møller - Mærsk - and she is originally schooled and trained in music and theatre. For example, she was no more than about 16 years old when she performed for up to 2,500 audiences per evening. Not immediately a "classic" consultant profile - and that is exactly her strength. Merethe Klint has a clear mission to get as many employees and managers as possible to work and collaborate in a healthier and more harmonious environment. Simply because it provides better results, better customer or citizen experiences, greater psychological security and a better working environment for the employees. She compares an organization to a band or orchestra. In music, of course, everyone must perform at a high individual level, but it is only when everyone grabs their instruments and plays TOGETHER that the music emerges and is worth listening to. It's the same with you. An Achilles' heel in many organisations, however, is that there is not enough focus on the binding collaboration, and therefore the development of this must be prioritized and rewarded to the same extent as the individual performance. The fact is that the employees in many of the organizations that call on Merethe do not cooperate - they work at the same time. Each separately. Each in their own silo. In short, Merethe manages to combine the innovative with what gives results in practice. She manages to get beyond the edge of the stage and listen to exactly the challenges and the situation that is your everyday life in a lively and relevant way, so that you go home with inspiration and concrete tools - regardless of whether you book Merethe for a lecture, a workshop or a longer seminar. Merethe is the author of 2 books: In 2017, she published the book: ”LISTEN! on interaction in organisations”. In it, she gathers all her knowledge about organizational work, individual performance and management. In 2021, she published "Grundbog in Project Management" in collaboration with Lederne Kompetencecenter and Akademisk Forlag.
Tilbyder fysiske ydelser
Baseret på 2 anmeldelser
Marketing & HR Manager, Lindab A/S
Merethe er en nærværende og velforberedt inspirator. Hun mødte os på en jordnær måde og fik sat gode tanker i gang omkring samspillet i vores organisation. Hun taler i et lidt anderledes sprog koblet meget fint til musikken og giver dermed en ny vinkel på behovet for samarbejde og sammenhold.
Fuldmægtig, Rigsrevisionen
Vi var yderst tilfredse med sessionen. Vi oplevede, at det fungerer godt med den indledende teori, som derefter blev overført på vores situation, som blandt andet kom til udtryk ved relationstegningen. Vi erfarede, at vi havde stort udbytte af den konkrete anvendelse af teorien på vores situation, og vi kunne formentlig have haft yderligere gavn af tilsvarende øvelser, men vi er dog samtidig opmærksomme på, at man ikke når langt på 1,5 time.
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