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talk med Grith Okholm Skaarup
Future and Research og Management
18.000,00 DKK
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810,00 DKK
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18.810,00 DKK
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4.702,50 DKK
I alt inkl. moms *
23.512,50 DKK
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HUMANITY IN THE TECHNOLOGICAL AGE How do we create the working life, organizational design and leadership of the future? Presentation on human needs in the technological age. The lecture provides knowledge, insights and practices to work purposefully to create value by cultivating and upgrading human needs and characteristics in working life, leadership and organizational design. Through a tour de force of new trends, research, cases and personal experiences from twenty years of leadership, the presentation provides inspiration and tools for how we can increase our human awareness in a technological age - and why it is the most central focus of future leadership, organizational design and working life, that we become better at understanding people and human needs better. The presentation also provides knowledge and tools to navigate yourself and together more consciously, meaningfully and humanely in society, life and working life QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED: What human needs and characteristics are important to make room for in the technological age? What can we learn from history about what gives people meaning? How do you value humanity in an optimization society? How do we best future-proof our organization and human capital?
Foredragsholder: Grith Okholm Skaarup
Varighed: 30 - 90 minutter
Emner: Brain research, Company culture, Future, Future and Research, Future trends, Management, Self-management og Trend
Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk
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