facebookThe future is introverted af Camilla Lærke Lærkesen | Youandx

talk med Camilla Lærke Lærkesen

The future is introverted

Communication, Management og Motivation




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How do you create balance between introverted and extroverted employees?

The World Health Organization WHO predicts that stress will become one of the biggest disease factors in the year 2020. 430,000 Danes, corresponding to 10-12%, experience symptoms of severe stress every day. We need to get down to gear. After years in the fast lane, we must pull the brakes and cultivate immersion, slowness and close relationships. Qualities and way of life that are often associated with the quiet and introverted types. The corona crisis showed how the standstill and the suddenly empty social calendar contributed positively to our mental health and gave us a much-needed respite. It also taught us that many people work more effectively under completely different conditions than we are used to – for example from home or online. We must take that learning with us into the future. In the future, we will not be talking about introverted and extroverted people – but about introverted and extroverted qualities. We all have them, and it is crucial to bring both sides into play in order to create the right balance in the company. In the lecture, Camilla Lærkesen points out: - How introverted qualities have been overlooked due to erroneous prejudices - Why we miss so much gold from the introverted profiles on the labor market - Why we should no longer talk about introverts and extroverts - but qualities - How you integrate introverted values in your workplace - and maintain efficiency - How you create balance in your company's introverted and extroverted qualities - How you create a balance between introverted and extroverted employees and get everyone involved

Foredragsholder: Camilla Lærke Lærkesen

Varighed: 15 - 60 minutter

Emner: Behaviour, Communication, Company culture, Job satisfaction, Management, Motivation og Work environment

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


Tilgængelig fysisk og online

The product is available in the regions: Capital Region

Appetizer: Vores tilknyttede eksperters appetizer-foredrag er helt ekskl. hos Youandx. De varer fra 15 til 60 minutter, og er en kort indføring til den enkeltes foredragsholders speciale. Disse foredrag er billigere end vores traditionelle foredrag, da indholdet er kendetegnet ved at være fastlagt både indholds- og tidsmæssigt og har derudover et begrænset deltagerantal


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