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talk med Thomas Martinsen
Marketing and Sales, Motivation og Presentation technique
14.500,00 DKK
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652,50 DKK
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15.152,50 DKK
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18.940,62 DKK
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As you have probably seen, video is just one element in the range of content marketing to influence your recipient. But at the same time perhaps the strongest? Video can be personal and present for the recipient. The purpose of the sale is, among other things, to build familiarity and trust between you and the recipient. But it has to be done right or you will lose the customer. In this lecture, Thomas Martinsen inspires you to sell with video... without selling. You will be inspired by the customer getting to know you before you meet the customer.
Foredragsholder: Thomas Martinsen
Varighed: 60 - 120 minutter
Emner: Branding, Business development, Business philosophy, Customer experience, Dissemination, E-commerce, Goals, Influencers, LinkedIn, Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Motivation, PR, Presentation technique, Sales, Sales tools, Service, Social Media og Social Selling
Sprog: Dansk
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