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THE LEADERSHIP OF THE FUTURE In inspirational presentations and exercises, you will be taken through some of the foremost trends and potentials that you as leaders will face in a complex and rapidly changing world. With a particular focus on leading from human needs in the digital changes. In an exponential technology development and a hyper-complex acceleration and performance society, we must future-proof business and management through rethinking management, strategy, value, innovation, technology, communication and culture. It is primarily about understanding what drives people to create value and experience meaning. In a future, a market and a management landscape that makes new demands to increase our human consciousness in the imprints we leave on each other and the planet. In the presentation, data, cases and empirical evidence from research, business and own experiences are drawn on. There will be dialogue and interaction about how you and your company can follow along - and be at the forefront yourself to shape the leadership of the future.
Foredragsholder: Grith Okholm Skaarup
Varighed: 30 - 90 minutter
Emner: Brain research, Change management, Company culture, Future, Future and Research, Future trends, Management og Trend
Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk
Tilgængelig fysisk og online
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