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workshop med Lise Terp
Communication og Management
25.200,00 DKK
Beregnes senere
1.134,00 DKK
I alt ekskl. moms
26.334,00 DKK
25% moms
6.583,50 DKK
I alt inkl. moms *
32.917,50 DKK
Prisen vil variere ift. transport- og servicegebyr. Beløbet opkræves først når bookingen er færdiggjort.
This workshop can be targeted at managers or employees. Sometimes we are so afraid of disagreement that we wait far too long to do something. With this workshop you will gain a common language and a common understanding of the underlying mechanisms in conflicts. Not least, you get the tools to handle them. Purpose Conflicts are signs of commitment, and there is gold to be found in them. However, it requires that you prioritize handling the conflicts early and effectively. In this way, you avoid polarization and can at best keep the conflicts at a level where they are just disagreements. This is where you can draw learning and innovation from them. There are a number of things you can do to reduce conflict in the workplace. The most important thing, however, is that you are not shy of conflict and that you take them in stride. Yield • Ability to see conflicts as a positive sign • Tools to deal with your own possible shyness of conflict • Tools for analyzing and handling conflicts • Knowledge of what happens in our brains in conflict situations. Then you also know how conflicts and stress are connected. Content • What is a conflict? • Spot the conflict - how serious is it - the conflict ladder? • Language and behavior – this is how it affects conflicts. • Are you shy of conflict? Therefore conflict shyness makes everything worse. • Space for reflection and answers to questions. The day will be spiced up with your own dilemmas, which will be sent to Lise a week before the workshop. If you are a group of managers, Lise would suggest expanding the workshop with the topics: • Are you a manager? Then you own any conflict in your team. • Know your responsibilities as a manager? • The difference between being in the leadership role or the mediator role • Who decides if you can mediate? After the workshop, all participants will receive the book: Spin gold on conflict management (also available in English). We also agree on some form of follow-up via email. Max number of participants 25. If there are more of you, the benefit will be best with 2 instructors. Lise naturally has candidates for that.
Foredragsholder: Lise Terp
Varighed: 150 - 360 minutter
Emner: Behaviour, Change management, Communication, Company culture, Conflict management, Cooperation, Leadership groups og Management
Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk
Tilgængelig fysisk
Baseret på 3 anmeldelser
HR Business Partner, Interacoustics A/S
Vi havde en meget lærerig formiddag med Lise. Lise er en rigtig god formidler, som evner at fange sin forsamling og bidrage med egne konkrete oplevelser. Vi fik mange gode konkrete og lige til at bruge værktøjer med. Det hele er teoretisk velfunderet, uden at indholdet virker akademisk eller teoretisk. Alt i alt var vi meget tilfredse og vi blev alle klogere på at håndtere konflikter.
Det var inspirerende, menneskeligt og praktisk anvendeligt. Helt som det skulle være.
Balder Danmark
Supergod workshop, god energi og læring. Vi gik derfra med konkrete værktøjer til at undgå og imødegå konflikter. Kan varmt anbefales.
Lise Terp har ingen billeder i galleriet.