facebookTransformation gennem digitalisering af Vanessa Julia Carpenter | Youandx

Foredrag med Vanessa Julia Carpenter


Transformation gennem digitalisering

Ledelse og Teknologi




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Udfordring af kreative grænser i den digitale tidsalder

Tag med Dr. Vanessa Julia Carpenter, en leder og katalysator for kreativ forandring, på en rejse ind i digitalisering og innovation. Med fokus på at udnytte digitale teknologier til at drive kreativ transformation afslører Vanessa banebrydende strategier for at udfordre grænserne for innovation i det hurtigt udviklende digitale landskab i dag. Nøglepunkter: 1. Omfavn digital innovation: Udforsk krydsfeltet mellem kreativitet og digitalisering, når Vanessa deler indsigt fra hendes omfattende erfaring med at designe til det digitale rige. Fra interaktive kunstinstallationer til immersive digitale oplevelser, til nye wearables og hardware, opdag hvordan Vanessas innovative tilgang har omdefineret, hvad der er muligt i den digitale verden. 2. Design af meningsfulde digitale oplevelser: Dyk ned i Vanessa's banebrydende forskning om design af meningsfulde digitale oplevelser, der vækker genklang ved brugerne. Lær, hvordan principperne om empati, inklusion og brugercentreret design kan løfte skabelsen af digitale produkter og services, der skaber engagement og fremmer varige forbindelser. 3. Tværfagligt samarbejde i den digitale æra: Oplev kraften i tværfagligt samarbejde, når Vanessa bygger bro mellem kunst, teknologi og industri i den digitale tidsalder. Gennem sin rolle som grundlægger og designer hos Kintsugi Design viser Vanessa, hvordan samarbejde kan fremme innovation og drive digital transformation. 4. Udfordring af digitale kreative grænser: Lær fra Vanessa, som i sin rolle som Chief Innovation Officer, VR Business Developer, Creative Technologist og Lead Designer, har udfordret grænserne for digital innovation. Vanessas forskellige erfaringer og ekspertise gør hende til en sand katalysator for kreativ transformation i den digitale æra og vil hjælpe dit team med at omfavne denne samme metode i jeres daglige aktiviteter og arbejde. Deltag sammen med Vanessa i en inspirerende samtale, der udfordrer traditionelle grænser og tænder en passion for digital innovation og kreativ udforskning i en stadigt mere digital verden. **Anbefaling:** "I had the pleasure of Vanessa presenting at a meeting in Network Denmark. Her engaging personality made the topic Pushing Creative Boundaries relevant, easy to understand and fun for her audience." - David Neville, Network Director, EGN Denmark (Executives Global Network) Den foredrag kan også laves som en mini-workshop og inkluderer: - Idégenerering og udvikling af prototyper til digitale løsninger - Brugercentreret design tænkning til digitale produkter - Samarbejds Teknikker til Digitale Teams - Brug af nye teknologier til digital innovation Nøgleord: Digitalisering, innovation, kreativitet, designtænkning, meningsfulde digitale oplevelser og tværfagligt samarbejde. /English Title: Transforming Through Digitalization: Pushing Creative Boundaries in the Digital Age Description: Join Dr. Vanessa Julia Carpenter, a leader and catalyst for creative change, on a journey into digitalization and innovation. With focus on leveraging digital technologies to drive creative transformation, Vanessa unveils groundbreaking strategies for pushing the boundaries of innovation in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape. Key Points: 1. Embracing Digital Innovation: Explore the intersection of creativity and digitalization as Vanessa shares insights from her extensive experience in designing for the digital realm. From interactive art installations to immersive digital experiences, to new wearables and hardware, discover how Vanessa's innovative approach has redefined what's possible in the digital space. 2. Designing Meaningful Digital Experiences: Delve into Vanessa's pioneering research on designing meaningful digital experiences that resonate deeply with users. Learn how principles of empathy, inclusivity, and human-centric design can inform the creation of digital products and services that drive engagement and foster lasting connections. 3. Interdisciplinary Collaboration in the Digital Era: Experience the power of interdisciplinary collaboration as Vanessa bridges the gap between art, technology, and industry in the digital age. Through her role as founder and designer at Kintsugi Design, Vanessa exemplifies how collaboration can fuel innovation and drive digital transformation. 4. Pushing Digital Creative Boundaries: Explore Vanessa's role as a Chief Innovation Officer, VR Business Developer, Creative Technologist, and Lead Designer, where she has consistently pushed the boundaries of digital innovation. Vanessa's diverse experiences and expertise make her a true catalyst for creative transformation in the digital era and will help your team to embrace this same methodology in your daily activities and work Join Vanessa for an inspiring talk that transcends traditional boundaries, igniting a passion for digital innovation and creative exploration in an increasingly digital world. **Testimonial:** "I had the pleasure of Vanessa presenting at a meeting in Network Denmark. Her engaging personality made the topic Pushing Creative Boundaries relevant, easy to understand and fun for her audience." - David Neville, Network Director, EGN Denmark (Executives Global Network) Exercises Include: - Ideation and Prototyping for Digital Solutions - User-Centric Design Thinking for Digital Products - Collaboration Techniques for Digital Teams - Harnessing Emerging Technologies for Digital Innovation Keywords: Digitalization, Innovation, Creativity, Design Thinking, Meaningful Digital Experiences, Interdisciplinary Collaboration.

Foredragsholder: Vanessa Julia Carpenter

Varighed: 60 - 80 minutter

Emner: Digitalisering, Forandringsledelse, Internet Of Things, Ledelse, Teknologi og Virksomhedskultur

Sprog: Engelsk


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Baseret på 8 anmeldelser


Henriette Langstrup

torsdag, 3. oktober, 2024

Lektor , University of Copenhagen


Vanessa gave a captivating and personal talk to 40 university students about FemTech: the background, significance and diversity of this innovative arena. The students and myself were engaged from the beginning and Vanessa was very attentive and responsive toward the students.

Bettina Bentzen

tirsdag, 9. april, 2024

Office Manager, Confirm A/S


Meget interessant og relevant foredrag, præsenteret af en dygtig underviser

Jesper Bay Esbensen

mandag, 8. april, 2024

CEO, Confirm A/S


We had a great afternoon in the company of Vanessa, who delivered a well-prepared, entertaining, and scientifically supported presentation, and efficiently facilitated a lively discussion.