facebookVanessa Julia Carpenter - Book hos Youandx

Foto: Jesper Koefoed

Vanessa Julia Carpenter

Brobygger mellem Fremtidens Teknologier, Menneskelig Empowerment og Innovativt Design.




Foredrag (4)


About Vanessa Julia Carpenter

Dr. Vanessa Julia Carpenter er en katalysator for forandring. Hun har en ph.d. i Designing for Meaningfulness in Future Smart Products fra Aalborg Universitet, København, og er grundlægger og designer hos Kintsugi Design, et designstudio specialiseret i design og fremvoksende teknologier. Vanessa har og har haft følgende roller: * Medlem af Designrådet: Danish Design Council * Ekspert på Ingeniørforeningens ekspertpanel (IDA) * Ekspert på Manyone Expert Panel i femtech og design * Redaktør på Techtruster.dk - Nyheder inden for Femtech * Rådgiver og jurymedlem i forskellige startups * Tidligere medlem af juryen for Danish Design Awards * Bestyrelsesmedlem i forskellige firmaer Hun har arbejdet som Chief Innovation Officer for Gagarin, som VR Business Developer for Astrid, som Creative Technologist for SPACE10, som Lead Designer hos FORCE Technology og som konsulent for mange andre virksomheder. Vanessas baggrund er inden for Interaktiv Kunst & Teknologi, og hun sigter mod at arbejde tværfagligt mellem industri, kunst, akademi og teknologi. Hun er grundlægger af de nordiske Women in Hardware- og Nordic Femtech-grupper og skriver for TechTruster, en femtech-nyhedsside. Hun optræder ofte som hovedtaler og workshop-facilitator på grund af sin evne til at inspirere, uddanne og provokere og være en katalysator for forandring og vækst for dem, der har mest brug for det. ENGLISH: Dr. Vanessa Julia Carpenter is a catalyst for change. She holds a Ph.D. in Designing for Meaningfulness in Future Smart Products from Aalborg University, Copenhagen, and is the founder and designer at Kintsugi Design, a design studio specializing in design and emerging technologies. Vanessa has held and currently holds the following roles: * Member of the Danish Design Council * Expert on the Danish Society of Engineers' (IDA) expert panel * Expert on the Manyone Expert Panel in femtech and design * Editor at Techtruster.dk - News within Femtech * Advisor and jury member for various startups * Former jury member for the Danish Design Awards * Board member in various companies She has worked as Chief Innovation Officer for Gagarin, as VR Business Developer for Astrid, as Creative Technologist for SPACE10, as Lead Designer at FORCE Technology, and as a consultant for a diverse range of companies and organizations. Vanessa's background is in Interactive Art & Technology and Interaction Design, and she aims to work in an interdisciplinary way between industry, art, academia, and technology. She is the founder of the Nordic Women in Hardware and the Nordic Femtech group and writes for TechTruster, a femtech news site. She is often featured as a keynote speaker and workshop facilitator due to her ability to inspire, educate, and provoke, and to be a catalyst for change and growth for those who need it most.

Emner Vanessa Julia Carpenter præsenterer om

  • Fremtid og Forskning
  • Fremtid
  • Fremtidstrends
  • Kultur og Samfund
  • Diversitet
  • Ledelse
  • Forandringsledelse
  • Virksomhedskultur
  • Teknologi
  • Deep Learning
  • Innovativ tilgang
  • Big Data
  • Digitalisering
  • Internet Of Things
  • Kunstig Intelligens (AI)


  • Engelsk


Tilbyder fysiske og online ydelser

Anmeldelser af Vanessa Julia Carpenter



Baseret på 8 anmeldelser


Henriette Langstrup

torsdag, 3. oktober, 2024

Lektor , University of Copenhagen


Vanessa gave a captivating and personal talk to 40 university students about FemTech: the background, significance and diversity of this innovative arena. The students and myself were engaged from the beginning and Vanessa was very attentive and responsive toward the students.

Bettina Bentzen

tirsdag, 9. april, 2024

Office Manager, Confirm A/S

Anmeldelse handler om: Foredrag


Meget interessant og relevant foredrag, præsenteret af en dygtig underviser

Jesper Bay Esbensen

mandag, 8. april, 2024

CEO, Confirm A/S


We had a great afternoon in the company of Vanessa, who delivered a well-prepared, entertaining, and scientifically supported presentation, and efficiently facilitated a lively discussion.

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Vanessa Julia Carpenter, Future Technologies Speaker

Meet Vanessa, Prototyping