facebookDesign til meningsfuldhed i fremtidig teknologi og AI af Vanessa Julia Carpenter | Youandx

Foredrag med Vanessa Julia Carpenter


Design til meningsfuldhed i fremtidig teknologi og AI

Fremtid og Forskning og Teknologi




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En inspirerende og aktiv udforskning af fremtiden for teknologi og kunstig intelligens gennem linsen "Designing for Meaningfulness"

Tag med Dr. Vanessa Julia Carpenter på en inspirerende og aktiv udforskning af fremtiden for teknologi og kunstig intelligens gennem linsen "Designing for Meaningfulness". Vanessa’s metode fokuserer på at skabe teknologi, der beriger livet ved at fremme dybere forbindelser og forståelse. Nøglepunkter: 1. Forståelse af Designing for Meaningfulness: Lær, hvordan denne metode sigter mod at forbedre menneskelige oplevelser og fokuserer på at designe teknologi, der går ud over ren funktionalitet for at forbedre vores liv ved at identificere og nå livsmål, uddybe relationer og fremme selvforståelse. 2. Casestudier i praksis: Udforsk fem praktiske casestudier, der viser principperne i Designing for Meaningfulness i praksis når man designer fremtidige teknologier.. Opdag, hvordan disse innovative tilgange former fremtiden for teknologi og kunstig intelligens, lige fra at gentænke forbindelser mellem mennesker, mellem mennesker og selv og mellem mennesker og tid til at omfavne håndgribelige enheder uden skærm. 3. Sådan skaber man meningsfulde oplevelser: Forstå vigtigheden af håndværk, når man skal skabe meningsfulde teknologioplevelser. Vanessa giver værdifuld indsigt i de overvejelser, som produktudviklere og designere bør have i tankerne, når de skaber produkter, der vækker dyb genklang hos brugerne. 4. Sådan styrker du engagementet: Lær, hvordan Designing for Meaningfulness giver brugerne mulighed for at blive aktive deltagere i deres interaktion med produkter og tjenester. Udforsk dynamikken i menneskets fascination af skærme og potentialet i enheder uden skærm til at transformere vores digitale oplevelser. Tag med Vanessa til et inspirerende foredrag, der overskrider konventionelle perspektiver og antænder en passion for at designe teknologi, der beriger liv og fremmer meningsfulde forbindelser. Testimonial: We had the pleasure of Vanessa presenting her thoughts on designing for meaningfulness at our Jewellery of Tomorrow event. The Jewellery industry, with its long heritage of body adornment, is on the breaking point of trying to incorporate technology more and more. Therefore Vanessa’s input on how to proceed in this direction, while still creating jewellery devices that holds a value, a story and a meaning matched perfectly with our innovation themed evening. Rikke Sander, Curator, Jewellery of Tomorrow Nøgleord: Design for meningsfuldhed, fremtidig teknologi, AI, empowerment, menneskecentreret design. /English Title: Designing for Meaningfulness in Future Technology and AI: Empowering Humanity Join Dr. Vanessa Julia Carpenter on an inspirational and actionable exploration of the future of technology and AI through the lens of Designing for Meaningfulness. Vanessa's methodology focuses on creating technology that enriches lives by fostering deeper connections and understanding from a eudaimonic perspective. Key Points: 1. Understanding Designing for Meaningfulness: Learn how this methodology aims to enhance human experiences focuses on designing technology that goes beyond mere functionality to enhance our lives by identifying and reaching life goals, deepening relationships, and fostering self-understanding. 2. Case Studies in Action: Explore practical examples demonstrating Designing for Meaningfulness principles when designing future technologies. Explore five case studies that showcase the principles of Designing for Meaningfulness in action. From reimagining people-to-people, person-to-self, and person-to-time connections to embracing non-screen tangible devices, discover how these innovative approaches are shaping the future of technology and AI. 3. Crafting Meaningful Experiences: Understand the importance of craftsmanship in creating meaningful technology experiences. Vanessa provides valuable insights into the considerations product developers and designers should keep in mind when creating products that resonate deeply with users. 4. Empowering Engagement: Learn how Designing for Meaningfulness empowers users to become active participants in their interactions with products and services. Explore the dynamics of human fascination with screens and the potential of non-screen devices to transform our digital experiences. Join Vanessa for an inspiring talk that transcends conventional perspectives, igniting a passion for designing technology that enriches lives and fosters meaningful connections. Testimonial: We had the pleasure of Vanessa presenting her thoughts on designing for meaningfulness at our Jewellery of Tomorrow event. The Jewellery industry, with its long heritage of body adornment, is on the breaking point of trying to incorporate technology more and more. Therefore Vanessa’s input on how to proceed in this direction, while still creating jewellery devices that holds a value, a story and a meaning matched perfectly with our innovation themed evening. Rikke Sander, Curator, Jewellery of Tomorrow Keywords: Designing for Meaningfulness, Future Technology, AI, Empowerment, Human-Centric Design. Title: Designing for Meaningfulness in Future Technology and AI: A Journey Towards Empowering Humanity

Foredragsholder: Vanessa Julia Carpenter

Varighed: 45 - 70 minutter

Emner: Digitalisering, Fremtid, Fremtid og Forskning, Fremtidstrends, Innovativ tilgang, Kunstig Intelligens (AI) og Teknologi

Sprog: Engelsk


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Baseret på 8 anmeldelser


Henriette Langstrup

torsdag, 3. oktober, 2024

Lektor , University of Copenhagen


Vanessa gave a captivating and personal talk to 40 university students about FemTech: the background, significance and diversity of this innovative arena. The students and myself were engaged from the beginning and Vanessa was very attentive and responsive toward the students.

Bettina Bentzen

tirsdag, 9. april, 2024

Office Manager, Confirm A/S


Meget interessant og relevant foredrag, præsenteret af en dygtig underviser

Jesper Bay Esbensen

mandag, 8. april, 2024

CEO, Confirm A/S


We had a great afternoon in the company of Vanessa, who delivered a well-prepared, entertaining, and scientifically supported presentation, and efficiently facilitated a lively discussion.